Marriage Advice For You - The
7 Vital Marriage Insights They
Never Taught You In School!

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Inside You’ll Discover Marriage Advice like…

The Top Three Keys For A Great Marriage – Not What You’d Think!

How To Transform The Quality of Your Marriage in 10 Minutes or Less!

What If They’re Just Not That Into You Anymore? And how to make them more into you than ever before.

Marriage Cure: Tools to Help  Stop A Divorce Dead In Its Tracks

How to Make Love Not War! Stop Fighting and Arguing at the source. Learn this one thing if nothing else!

Where’s the Love? Here! Make each other purr with pleasure every day!

Sex and Romance in MarriageBring Back/Keep Up the Passion.

Wanna Make Up With Your Mate But Don’t Know How?

The secrets to communicating with each other that create lasting love and affection.

Marriage Advice You Can Use Today:

Sooner or later, we all could use some marriage advice.  What do we do when we first get married? We usually go on a honeymoon. That is why the first part of a marriage can be called the honeymoon phase. We feel deeply in love, bonded, and connected. We feel like our marriage will help us to live happily ever after.

But as far as marriage advice, here comes one of the smartest pieces you will find.  The honeymoon phase is just a phase. It won't last. As good as it feels to spend all that time together and snuggling and playing together, it won't last. 

Nothing personal.  It's not your fault.  It's not your mate's fault.  The honeymoon phase will last six months to a year if you are lucky.

At some point we will move into the "Separation or Me/Us phase."

In this phase of the relationship, we can still love our spouse strongly, but we want to focus also on our own goals in life. We may want to spend more time alone, or at work, or with our own friends on our own hobbies. This is completely normal and there is nothing wrong. 

We need to know we aren't going to be smothered by our marriage.  We also need to understand that marriage supports our life journey, it doesn't replace it.  You need to move on with your own goals and live an interesting life and bring that to your marriage.  This is great marriage advice you should understand and put to use.

But the separation phase has some challenges.  You may fight with our mate over how much time they want to spend alone or why they want to be with their friends instead of you. But if you can allow some separation and get on with your own life some, you will benefit from this phase.

A second major piece of marriage advice has to do with a key to any great long term relationship. That key is to play. Do not let the burdens of job and and children and outside responsibilities get in the way of enjoying each other. You can end up too tired or busy to play together.

You got into the relationship to play, you had lots of fun at first. And, it is normal later on to get caught up in work and hobbies and responsibilities. However, you can and should make time to play with your spouse often. At the very least, a date night once a week where you go do something together you both enjoy.

Use this marriage advice.  It is important.  You don't have to have a date night every night, but playing together on purpose on a regular basis will keep both of you a lot happier.

As far as marriage tips go, this next one can prevent a lot of conflict and keep both of you much happier over the long term. And that is to make intimate requests of your mate. Ask for what you want. When something bothers you, talk to your mate and ask for what you need. The key to this is to not let things build up to far. If he isn't helping enough around the house, make an intimate request. Ask him to help out more.

This is something that takes a while to learn.  We tend to think "if you really loved me, you'd do what I want or know what I want without me having to tell you."  This is childish thinking.  Love does not read minds - most of the time!

So rather than complaining or nagging your spouse, here is the correct marriage advice to learn:  make intimate requests.  Turn your complaints into marital requests. 

Turning complaints into requests is one of the best marriage tips you can use over the long term. Your spouse won't always say yes to your requests, but it will be more likely to get you what you need more often than yelling and nagging will. There is a lot more to all of this, but these three pieces of marriage advice can keep your marriage on track to living happily ever after.








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